A review of the 2024 Nockwood reading
Sabaoth: Archon of chaos by William Blake The 2024 reading can be summarized as follows ( original post details ): The core question: ...

AEON reading for 2024
My annual reading always starts with me selecting a card that represents a topic that I wish to explore. This year I am selecting...

A review of my 2023 reading.
As the winter equinox passed, I was reminded of this photo of our bedroom window and an image of the bull and dove, done by my friend...

AEON reading for 2023
On review of my reading for 2022, I can see that I have much to learn in reading the Aeons. There was a powerful and strong message in...

AEON reading for 2022.
My most read posts for the AEON cards are undoubtedly the annual card reading. The popularity of these readings exploded after the first...

Reading for yourself
There are many ways of using the cards for yourself but my recent use of the AEON cards is a good demonstration. I did this reading...

AEON reading for 2021
How can I not. Last years reading on January 2nd 2020 was prescient to say the least. On re-reading it again today, there's even more...
Re-posting Instructions for Nockwood Readings
These instructions are sent with every set of cards purchased. They have been updated a couple of times since original publishing, so I'm...

AEON reading for a new Aeon
Last night I briefly saw (between the clouds) the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. The herald of a new age. This inspired me to do a...